- Undamped critical speed map 
- Tribological performance of hydrodynamic journal bearings
- Stiffness and damping coefficients of bearings and seals
- Damped unbalance response and critical speeds
- Stability analysis including aerodynamic cross-coupling of impellers
- API stability analysis (level I and II)
- Mode shapes


- Undamped torsional critical speeds of the power train, including coupling and gearbox.
- Transient analysis for start-up and critical speeds
- Torsional mode shapes
- Torsional stress and fatigue analysis
- Rotordynamic analysis for the replacement of wet seals by dry gas seals.
- Bearings and seals redesign and optimization for revamping turbomachiery
- Rotor redesign to implement a new sealing system, bearing or any other accessory that interacts with the shaft
- Rotordynamic analysis including support and pedestals flexibility
- Consulting in the implementation of dry gas seals for integral projects involving full equipment modernization
- Maintenance services in measurement, analysis and diagnostic of vibrations for production plants
- Measurement of natural frequencies and mode shapes of turbomachinery components

Frequency Analysis of Turbomachinery Components

- Harmonic analysis of rotary and stationery blade pass frequency
- Gas turbine diffuser
- Stationery blades irregularity in split casings
- Gearbox frequencies
- Impulses due gas combustion thrust
- Modal analysis of turbomachinery components

° Analysis of modes of vibration of Steam Turbine Blade correlated with experiments to diagnose premature failure 

° Modal analysis of a Pump Centrifugal Impeller to diagnose resonance

Analysis of Structural and Thermal Stresses

Tension due centrifugal expansion 

Compression in the blade root due interference 

Flexion and shear force owing to thermal loads 
Flexion and shear force due working gas pressure 

Analysis of Operation Loads

- Theoretical CFD pressure profiles
- Thermal loads
   ° Degraded material properties at operational temperatures .. Or
   ° Mechanical stress superposition analysis to deformation state.
- Centrifugal loads.
- Represent loads according to real operation 

Analysis of Load in a Gas Turbine Blade to determine its stress-strain state
Computer codes
- XLRotor for specialized analysis of rotating systems: dynamic stability analysis, unbalance response, transient vibration and some non-linear phenomena.
- Several codes for analysis of journal bearings and seals of different types; ball-bearings, hydrodynamic, hydrostatic, labyrinth seals, honeycomb seals, and other
- Software for field vibrations analysis using data collectors
- Access to ANSYS for dynamic modeling (modal) of sub-structures like supports and their effects in the rotordynamics (foundation, flexible supports, blades, etc.)
- Use of Minitab for the design of experiments and robust statistical analysis
Lab Equipment (selected):
- Rotor kit of Bently Nevada for rotordynamics experimentation with at least two flexible rotor configurations and hydrodynamic journal bearings
- Data acquisition system from National Instruments with 24 dynamic channels
Non-contact vibration transducers, accelerometers and microphones with signal conditioners.
- Load cells to measure dynamic loading
Instrumented impact hammer
- High-speed cameras
- Infrared inspection camera

© Rotorteq Engineering MEXICO