projects and services

About Us_

Our Team is formed by Professionals.

 Dr. Leonardo Urbiola founder and main consultant, has a network of professionals suited to the needs of each project. We collaborate with prestiged National and International Institutes specializing in the subject of rotordynamics of high-speed machines. 

- Doctor in Engineering (UNAM, Summa Cum Laude) specializing in Mechanical Design.
- M.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Texas A&M University) specializing in Rotordynamics of Turbomachinery.
- B.S. in Mechanical Engineering (Instituto Tecnologico de Queretaro).
- Developed more than 20 research projects and technology services in Rotordynamics and machine overhauling for industry in the fields of petrochemical (PEMEX), power generation (CFE), and aeronautics (ITR).
- Many other consulting services for automotive companies in the design of viscoelastic damping supports for power train systems.
- Author of 4 patents granted in Mexico, USA, Canada and Brazil.
- Certified as Black Belt in Six-Sigma.
- President of the organizing committee of the VIII Latinamerican Turbomachinery Conference and Exhibition, jointly organized by CIATEQ and the Electric Power Research Institute on Mexico (IIE), 2003.
- National Researcher Level I, and member of the board of certified evaluators of National Science and Technology Council (CONACyT).
- Consultant to CONACyT in reviewing and approving funding of projects to promote innovation in industry).
- Reviewer for several scientific journals (IEEE, ASME, ASTM, Elsevier, Springer, etc.) 

Dr. Leonardo Urbiola Soto

Founder and Principal Consultant


We have partnered with the following institutions to offer world-class solutions 

- Dr. Luis San Andres, Technical Advisor (ad-honorem), Texas A&M University, USA
- Dr. Klaus Brun, Elliott Group, USA
- Prof. Paolo Pennacchi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
- Dr. Juan Carlos Jauregui, Universidad Autonoma de Queretaro, Mexico
- Dr. Marcelo Lopez Parra, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico
- Dr. Sergio Diaz, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Venezuela
- Mr. Jose Hernandez, Centro de Tecnologia Avanzada (CIATEQ), Mexico 

© Rotorteq Engineering MEXICO